I enjoy musicals and have long been captivated by the title of the Rogers & Hammerstein tune Getting to Know You from The King and I --...
Dec 1, 2023
Unfortunately, most people know very little about plants and gardening, this includes many "professionals" employed to design, choose, install and maintain landscapes. Nor should you presume a garden center owner or employee is a gardener or knows plants (i.e., have experiental {good} advice). This blog spotlights specific issues with commentary on remedy or recommendation for course of action. Examples are numerous and easy to find, rarely requiring me to travel far from home. Hopefully, these postings will make the task more difficult. I feature seasonally appropriate topics and focus on species and issues to help educate.
The new rant is scheduled to post at one minute after midnight on the first day of each month.
Finally, over the last decade or so, I have told many people that I lack a filter. NOT TRUE. While I am frequently direct, know that my written speech is moderated (i.e., given time to settle). I can hear all the, "Oh may goodness! Can you imagine the raw form?" Know this, it is sometime too much even for the mad botanist, thus the time.
Only the last 50 shown below, for earlier posts use the numbers and > at the bottom